Meeting Search Help

There are two ways to search

When you have entered your text or chosen a map location
please remember to click the Go button at the bottom of the search page.

Clicking on the heading switches between the two kinds of search

Search by Text

This is useful for finding meetings in a town, suburb and state by name or postcode.

  • Enter the name of the place and its state, or
  • Enter a postcode.

Search By Map

  • Click once on where you want to find a meeting.
  • A marker appears. This marker can be dragged around.
  • Zoom in on the map with the ± buttons.
  • Click and hold the mouse button to drag the map around.

More Options

Both kinds of search may also be limited to specific days of the week, meeting formats and/or service bodies, which roughly correspond to geographic areas of Australia.
Click on the sections under and the extra filtering options will appear below it.


There are two kinds of search results

Clicking on either of the search results headings hides them.

 Display the Search Results in a Map

If you click a marker  on the map, you will be shown the meetings at that location in the list below.

There may be more than one and their colour will change.

 Display the Search Results in a List

To get more detailed information about any meeting; click the arrow button
The extra information shown includes a direct link to Google maps.

To close the detailed meeting information window, click  in the top right hand corner.



What do the meeting format codes mean?

B Focused on the needs of new members of NA.
BL This Meeting can be attended by speakers of English and another language.
BT Focused on discussion of the Basic Text of Narcotics Anonymous.
C Indicates only persons identifying as addicts permitted (no observers).
CS Well-behaved, supervised children are welcome.
D This meeting invites participation by all attendees.
NH Focused on the needs of non-heterosexual members of NA.
JT Focused on discussion of the Just For Today text.
M Men only.
NC Please do not bring children to this meeting.
O Open to addicts and non-addicts alike. All are welcome.
SD Lead by a speaker, then opened for participation by attendees.
SG Focused on discussion of the Step Working Guide text.
St Focused on discussion of the Twelve Steps of NA.
SC Focused on discussion of the spiritual concepts of the 12 Steps.
W Women only.
WC Wheelchair accessible.
YP Focused on the needs of younger members of NA.
VE Both Vietnamese and English are spoken at this meeting.
F Farsi language meeting