Regional Outreach


  • To foster the growth of new groups in places that have restricted access to the existing NA service structure
  • To provide support for individual members in isolated places until the formation of a group is practical, this is done in cooperation with other appropriate branches of the service structure.
  • To encourage the creation and growth of Area Service Committees in newly established areas.
  • To provide support to Area Outreach activities.

For further information please contact us
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Australian Online Meetings

There are several online meetings each week hosted in Australia.
Online NA meetings can play an important part in our recovery: when we are at a distance from
face to face meetings, when we are disabled in some way, when we have young children, when we
want to know what NA is all about! We can connect with other recovering addicts by way of
message boards, recovery chat rooms and online meetings. Many addicts use these facilities.
For more information please visit Australian Online Meetings

Pen Pal Program

For information on the Outreach Pen Pal Program click on the following link:
Pen Pal Flier

NA World Services Website

World regions, areas and meetings listed, as well as interesting aspects of recovery and NA literature
For more information please visit NA World Services

Contact Us

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By Post Outreach Committee. c/o Fellowship Service Office, 1st floor, 204 King St.Sydney. NSW. 2042
